Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Week 0 (Shots from April 14th)

All images are scanned from original prints of a set of 24 shots on a regular, weekly basis. This blog is for my record and for you to follow the progress as the year goes on.

I had a roll of B&W film which I turned in on the day of my birthday. They were shots from that day and the weekend before. This is when my plan for "29" was hatched, so to speak. So I will start from there. Week 0. The day I was born.

The week following my birthday I continued with my plan and dropped off another roll of film from that week(Week 1)on the weekend and picked up the images from my birthday. So now you get the idea. I've been repeting that ever since. It's now June 10th and I've decided to start posting.

I found my shots forced at first. I had been using my Nikon D70 digital for years and I felt more worried about wasting film, paying attention to the light and getting used to my camera again.

The results were ok. I noticed two holes on the crow negative and on the print when I got the prints back. I actually like it though, adds a little personality to it. But it made me feel like maybe I was one of the few still shooting B&W in Tokyo. Had they gotten sloppy with the developing process? Were the holes from my camera? Anyway, It's raw and I like it (more mistakes with future rolls as well). Here are a few selections from week 0.

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