Sunday, June 15, 2008

Week 8

So now I'm caught up on my backed up weeks for "29" the online version. Feel free to scoll down and check out the last 8 weeks and check in next week sometime for week 9 and so on. Thanks and yoroshiku.

A new version of an old restuarant reopened near our place. They managed to caputre the old atmosphere of the place in a new, earthquake friendly building. A rare thing to see in Japan. But this place had quite the history which was clearly reconized and retained. And Yakitori (chicken on a stick) for only 80yen! Iseya 2008

Mike posing with a security gaurd with a nice haircut.

All photos are the property of Tyler Ensrude at

1 comment:

kat said...

Ty, love your new blog. the photos look great and what a way to see out your 20s. Since 29 is a neutral age neither young nor old - are you saying that 30 is old? How about 33? Ha! anyway I'm looking forward to checking in every week and I expect to be featured at some point...well at least Jake. Adding this to my bloglines now.