Saturday, November 1, 2008

Week 28

Amazing Thailand

The first and only shots in 29, on film, in color! We weren't in Japan so I figured I could break the rules a bit...We will definitely be back to Thailand someday for a second honeymoon.

Ok, so maybe these Thailand beach shots aren't that boring, but definitely typical for postcards shots. Goes to show anyone can shoot a postcardesque photo. And the dust I couldn't get off the scanned negatives...even more vintage!
Martin Parr's boring postcards are pretty boring, but strangely attractive. Available at Bondi Books.

The Boys In The Bubbles

I couldn't stop laughing at these kids. The Patong shopping mall had these giant balls floating on water you could pay a couple of baht to run around inside for 5min or so. Weightless or helpless? They wanted out and were practically crying. They couldn't make it to the pool side to be let out, nor could you hear their screaming. At one point they just seemed to stop running like exhausted mice in a cage, give up and sprawl out in their transparent cells. Like a hopeless, dying nucleus. I pushed one toward the pool steps hoping it would drift to the dock. Definitely worth documenting for 29 I think. Go Obama.

All photos are the property of Tyler Ensrude

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