Sunday, November 30, 2008

Week 32

The Spider Leaves

This book shows the twisted power lines and overlapping cityscape's of Tokyo. Similar to a spider's web. Very good book by Osamu Kanemura.

In contrast to Tokyo's web of subways, power lines and millions of people, I noticed in the Tokyo parks how actual spider webs were becoming more visible as the autumn leaves fell and became entangled in them. The webs had probably been there all summer and I had never noticed until the leaves gave them away. Some of them were huge and right over the walkway through the park, stretching 12 or 15 feet.

It's difficult to see, but this is one of the bigger webs stretching across the walkway...

A smaller web with floating leaves...

I assume the trapped leaves act as miniature sails eventually ripping the web down. The remnants of a web, still hanging on by a thread with a large cluster of leaves...

A park light exposing a long, deteriorating web...

All photos are the property of Tyler Ensrude at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dou you have this book?? Do you want a copy?? Will cost you a small portion of your arm and leg!!