Sunday, January 25, 2009

Week 41

Typologies and The Traffic Cones

I read another book by the Bechers a few weeks ago and was inspired to try a typology of my own in Tokyo last week. The Bechers were very particular about lighting, the weather, time of day, film and camera placement before even taking the photo. I, on the other hand, went for spontaneity.

I decided to go on a walk and the first repetition I started seeing on the street were the traffic cones. They were on nearly every street I turned down and came in so many varieties and colors. I tried to maintain some balance and correlation with the framing and camera settings, but other than that, I just kept walking, finding more types of cones and shooting. I'll definitely go back and do color someday, but you can almost tell what color they are even though they are black and white. An ignored urban eyesore or tiny cityscape peaks of potential street art that goes unnoticed?

All photos are the property of Tyler Ensrude at

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